Thanks to Myers-Briggs we can even see if we have a rare gem of a personality or are a part of the big five personality types out there.
Now, we can even identify the best part of your personality with this visual personality test.
It’s not always easy to nail down the best things about ourselves, but thanks to this personality test, you can easily find out. This free personality test (unlike the official Myers-Briggs personality test) will help you figure out the best part of your identity, and it couldn’t be easier. Here’s how it works: Simply look at the image below and take it all in.
RELATED: People With This Personality Type More Likely To Cheat, Says Study Now, pay close attention to the first animal that you see what you focus on the image. Once you spot an animal, see how the animal you selected reveals just what it is about your personality that makes you so awesome. (See? Told you it was easy!)
1. If you saw the koala first…
If you saw the koala first, the best thing about your personality is your inner core of strength. Sure, you may look cute and cuddly on the outside, and sure, that’s definitely how you treat your friends and co-workers and even strangers… until they cross you. The thing people can’t get enough of about you? You refuse to take any garbage laying down. You weren’t born yesterday and you’re as quick to challenge someone who mistreats a friend as you are a person who thinks they can get away with mistreating you. RELATED: The Image You Choose In This Personality Test Determines What You Value Most In Life
2. If you saw the giraffe first…
If you saw the giraffe first, the best thing about your personality is your laid-back attitude. While many people your age are often focusing on what they have to worry about next, it takes a lot to really make you freak out, and even then your level of “freak out” probably won’t even cause your heart rate to rise. Being around you is relaxing and recharging. Your presence and attitude is a great reminder to people around you not to sweat the small stuff. RELATED: 6 Signs A Spirit Is Trying To Communicate With You
3. If you saw the pig first…
If you saw the pig first, the best thing about your personality is your sense of humor. No matter where you are — be it the office, at a party, chilling with your family, or even commuting to work with people you don’t know very well — you’re always the one who can be counted out to provide the laughs. You see the humor in every situation, and that can make you a real asset to everyone around you. RELATED: 16 Warning Signs You’re Dealing With An Evil Person
4. If you saw the duck first…
If you saw the duck first, the best thing about your personality is your loyalty. The people you let into your life are people you are going to be ride or die friends with until the end. When you finally let a person inside, it’s a big deal, and it’s something you take seriously. The people in your inner circle know that they always have someone at their back. RELATED: What You See First Reveals How Type-A You Really Are
5. If you saw the cat first…
If you saw the cat first, the best thing about your personality is your way with words. While you might not always speak much when you do decide to weigh in on a subject the people around you really listen. You know that sometimes silence speaks volumes, and when you use your words you treat them with respect, a really rare quality these days. You impress everyone you meet, but people are also likely to find you just a little bit intimidating. RELATED: The Animal You Notice First In This Visual Personality Test Reveals The Kind Of Wife You’ll Be
6. If you saw the elephant first…
If you saw the elephant first, the best thing about your personality is how you’re always looking around to include people in your life. You are the definition of an extrovert in the best possible way. To you, life isn’t worth living unless you are surrounded by new and interesting people. You help connect so many others; don’t ever think people don’t recognize the gift you give them by bringing them into the fold! RELATED: ‘Bad’ Personality Traits Explained — And 12 That Are Actually ‘Good’
7. If you saw the bear first…
If you saw the bear first, the best thing about your personality is your courage. You are brave enough that sometimes people will describe you as being a person who is totally incapable of fear, but you know better: Courage doesn’t mean you aren’t afraid, it means being afraid and going ahead anyway. You never hesitate to do the right thing, and that’s a very rare trait. RELATED: What You See First In This Optical Illusion Reveals Your Deepest Personal Strength
8. If you saw the owl first…
If you saw the owl first, the best thing about your personality is your intelligence. You’re witty, smart, and eager to share your knowledge. People often turn to you as their own personal Google, because you aren’t just well-educated, you’re also passionate about continuing to learn even once you’re out of school. Your passion for knowledge is an inspiration to the people around you! RELATED: The Image You See First In This Visual Personality Test Reveals Your Hidden Strengths & Weaknesses Rebecca Jane Stokes is a writer and the Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek with a passion for lifestyle, psychology, and true crime.